Day 2 testing XHDATA d808 and radiwow R-108 portable receivers OfficialSWLchannel 5:24 5 years ago 10 597 Далее Скачать
Afternoon outdoors with XHDATA D808 and radiwow R-108 portable OfficialSWLchannel 2:52 5 years ago 1 383 Далее Скачать
Radiwow r-108 Vs xhdata d-808 airband test the funkraum channel 1:19 5 years ago 10 360 Далее Скачать
Received xhdata d808 and radiwow r 108 shortwave receivers OfficialSWLchannel 3:09 5 years ago 1 666 Далее Скачать
Verdict what is better Radiwow R108 or XHDATA D808 OfficialSWLchannel 3:52 5 years ago 25 892 Далее Скачать
Radiwow R-108 VS XHDATA D808 receiver Radio Romania 13650 kHz Shortwave OfficialSWLchannel 4:38 4 years ago 3 972 Далее Скачать
Xhdata d-808 Vs radiwow r-108 Vs yupiteru mvt-7200 vhf airband the funkraum channel 1:59 5 years ago 487 Далее Скачать
XHDATA d808 vs radiwow R-108 on voice of Vietnam 7315 kHz Shortwave OfficialSWLchannel 6:23 5 years ago 4 536 Далее Скачать
XHDATA VS Sihuadon D-808 compare day Will be tuning shortwave and mediumwave to find differences OfficialSWLchannel 3:23 1 year ago 3 231 Далее Скачать
Original XHDATA D-808 VS NEW version XHDATA/Sihuadon D-808 what are the differences OfficialSWLchannel 4:11 1 year ago 28 651 Далее Скачать
Radiwow r-108 Vs xhdata d-808 Vs yupiteru mvt-7200 shortwave am broadcast 1 the funkraum channel 0:59 5 years ago 381 Далее Скачать
REVIEW NEW XHDATA SIHUADON D 808 AM FM SW LW Air band portable receiver OfficialSWLchannel 12:54 1 year ago 24 007 Далее Скачать
3 DIGITAL RADIOS AND 107.200 MHz TESTS...(RADIWOW R-108/ XHDATA D-808/SONY ICF-SW30) MEHMET AKIN 5:37 4 years ago 440 Далее Скачать
Radiwow r-108 Vs xhdata d-808 Vs yupiteru mvt-7200 shortwave am broadcast 2 the funkraum channel 0:49 5 years ago 194 Далее Скачать
Channel Africa last week of transmission in 15235 kHz on XHDATA D808 and radiwow R-108 OfficialSWLchannel 6:34 5 years ago 245 Далее Скачать